Proto:Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness/paladin.7z Leaks/Debug ROMs/Top Debug Menus (2024)

There are 4 entire menus in just the Top Menu alone, although most of them are pretty straightforward. While the main Debug Menu has been known about and accessible for a while, none of the other ones have ever been accessed in the non-debug versions. The main debug menu can be easily accessed in retail copies by scrolling past the boundary for the menu, but the options past the boundaries for the other menus either softlock the game or have the "unavailable choice" sound effect play when selected. The ones that play this sound effect are likely the debug options, but they probably need the debug features to be enabled in order for them to be accessible.


  • 1 Main Debug Menu
    • 1.1 Dungeon Debug Play
      • 1.1.1 Go to a dungeon
      • 1.1.2 Face Window Test
      • 1.1.3 Pokémon Test
      • 1.1.4 Ground Pokémon Test
      • 1.1.5 Effect Test
      • 1.1.6 Move Test
      • 1.1.7 Ground object Test
    • 1.2 Ground Debug Play
      • 1.2.1 Team Controls
      • 1.2.2 Green Kecleon
      • 1.2.3 Makuhita
    • 1.3 Ground Script Check
    • 1.4 Ground Scene Check
    • 1.5 Ground Map Check
    • 1.6 Save Data Edit
    • 1.7 Opening Cutscene
    • 1.8 Debug Switch
    • 1.9 Debug Log
    • 1.10 Sound Test
    • 1.11 Message Test
    • 1.12 Document Test
    • 1.13 List Menu Test
    • 1.14 Multi Menu Test
    • 1.15 Initial Sample
    • 1.16 Check No. of Letters
    • 1.17 Review Text
  • 2 Event Upload
  • 3 "Friend Rescue" Debug Menu
  • 4 "Wonder Mail" Debug Menu

The most well-known debug menu, and the only one that can currently be accessed in non-debug versions, this is the main debug menu accessible through the Top Menu. This is very similar to the debug menu available in the final game, except a few things work much better, and a few more things somehow work worse. This menu is easily accessible through the first yellow option in the Top Menu. Whenever the Top Menu is loaded, the cursor is automatically set to be pointing to this option.

ダンジョン デバッグプレイDungeon Debug Play
ちじょう デバッグプレイGround Debug Play
ちじょう スクリプトチェックGround Script Check
ちじょう シーンチェックGround Scene Check
ちじょう マップチェックGround Map Check
セーブデータ かこうSave Data Edit
デモ さいせいOpening Cutscene
デバッグスイッチDebug Switch
デバッグログDebug Log
テストメニューTest Menu
サウンド テストSound Test
メッセージ テストMessage Test
ドキュメント テストDocument Test
リストメニュー テストList Menu Test
マルチメニュー テストMulti-Menu Test
しょき サンプルInitial Sample
もじすうチェックCheck No. of Letters
ぶんしょうチェックReview Text

Dungeon Debug Play

This menu works completely differently than in the final release, being fully functional.

ダンジョンにもぐるGo to a dungeon
かおまどテストFace Window Test
ポケモンテストPokemon Test
ちじょう ポケモンてすとGround Pokemon Test
エフェクトテストEffect Test
わざ てすとMove Test
ちじょう おぶじぇくとテストGround object Test

Go to a dungeon

To do:
Is it possible to change what the bottom variables say?

Allows you to enter any dungeon, and change several of the dungeon settings. Press left/right to change the options, and up/down to scroll to different ones. There are 3 options at the end that cannot be scrolled to, which are likely used to indicate the values of variables. Interestingly, the bottom 5 options had their text strings completely removed from the ROM in non-debug versions of the games; the translations here are unofficial.

ダンジョンDUNGEONChanges the dungeon that you will enter. This includes all used dungeons, unused dungeons, and boss floors, which are stored separately from their dungeons. Defaults to Test Dungeon.
フロアFLOORChanges the floor that you start on. Cannot go above the valid amount for each dungeon. Defaults at 1.
レベルLEVELChanges the level for both party members to the selected value. Goes from 0-100, for some reason. Defaults to 5. Selecting 0 will just default to level 5.
ヒーローHEROLets you select the species of your Hero. Holding the Y button as you press the Dpad allows you to change it by 10, and holding R will change it by 100. Pressing L will change its gender, which is listed to the right of the species name. Defaults to 422, or Turtwig, when the menu is accessed.
パートナーPARTNERSame as above, but changes your partner instead. All controls apply. Defaults to 428, or Piplup.
シナリオレベルSCENARIO LEVELDefaults at 3, and goes from 0-7. This affects the current "balance" of your Hero and Partner, which affects your stats and moves as you level up, and slowly increases as you progress through the story.
ヒントメッセージHINT MESSAGEGoes from 0 to 1, defaults at 0. If set to 1, the tutorial messages that display when entering Beach Cave for the first time will appear as you progress through the dungeon.
END/こうたい(unofficial) END/SWITCHSwitches from "あと"(After) to "まだ"(Not yet), defaults to the former. The former enables the "Send Home" option for your teammates, while the latter disables it.
なかまになる(unofficial) CAN BE RECRUITEDSwitches from "OK" to "まだ"(Not yet), defaults to the former. If OK is selected, enemies can be recruited, otherwise they cannot.
しんかじょ(unofficial) EVOLUTION AVAILABLECannot be scrolled to. Is stuck at "OK". Likely indicates whether evolution is possible. The name has been cut off due to its length, but the full name could be 'しんかじょうけん' which means 'Evolution Terms/Conditions'.
ポケモンズ(unofficial) POKÉPALSCannot be scrolled to. Is stuck at "けっせい"(Has formed). This indicates whether your team has been formed at the Guild.
モード(unofficial) MODECannot be scrolled to. Is stuck at "Normal".

Face Window Test

Allows you to view every portrait in the game. Includes the sprite of the current Pokemon, the portrait, and the options against a green background. Press left or right on the D-pad to change the numbers by one, L or R to change them by 10, or X or Y to change them by 100.

ポケモン せんたくSelect PokémonChanges the current Pokemon. Every forme is separated, and several dummy entries are included at the end, leading to a total of 552 Pokemon to view.
せいべつ せんたくSelect GenderThis option is red, and it doesn't change anything for any Pokemon. There are different portraits for gender differences, and they are used, so it's unclear why this doesn't work. Bugged, perhaps? A few Pokemon, like Gloom, Doduo, and Dodrio, can be set to "オス"(Male) or "メス"(Female), but it still doesn't change the portrait, and it doesn't work for all of the Pokemon with gender differences.
アニメ せんたくSelect AnimationChanges the portrait's emotion. Mostly blank for most Pokemon, but story characters tend to get a use out of it. The emotions are: NORMAL, HAPPY, PAIN, ANGRY, THINK, SAD, WEEP, SHOUT, TEARS, DECIDE, GLADNESS, EMOTION, SURPRISE, FAINT, DUMMY_0, DUMMY_1, ACTION1, ACTION2, ACTION3, ACTION4, ACTION5, ACTION6, ACTION7, ACTION8, ACTION9, ACTION10, ACTION11, ACTION12, ACTION13, ACTION14, ACTION15, and ACTION16. ACTION5 and onward just read from the next Pokemon's portraits.
むき せんたくSelect DirectionSimply changes the orientation of the portrait. Left displays it on the left, and right reverses the image and displays it on the right. This properly uses the flipped variants of portraits where applicable.

Pokémon Test

Note that the female Venusaur's seed is present on the right sprite

A sprite animation viewer. This shows two separate sprites for each Pokemon, which show off gender differences where applicable, against the same green background. This viewer only shows animations that would exist in-dungeon, like battle animations. This also shows the (file)size for the current sprites, but it always shows 0kb, meaning this is likely bugged. Controls are the same as the previous menu, but pressing SELECT will pause/unpause the animation and holding START slows the animation down.

ポケモン せんたくSelect PokémonChanges the current Pokemon. Every forme is separated, and several dummy entries are included at the end, leading to a total of 553 Pokemon to view. The extra Pokemon is an extra dummy entry after Primal Dialga.
アニメ せんたくSelect AnimationChanges the current animation.
ほうこう せんたくSelect DirectionChanges the direction that the Pokemon is facing. There are 8 orientations from 0-7.

Ground Pokémon Test

Extremely similar to the previous menu, but focuses on "Ground" or non-dungeon animations, like eating or waking up. Only story Pokemon or potential Hero/Partners get much use out of it. This also shows the filesize, but it isn't bugged like it is in the previous viewer.

ポケモン せんたくSelect PokémonChanges the current Pokemon. Every forme is separated, and several dummy entries are included at the end. Many plot-important Pokemon have a separate entry at the end for their unique animations. There are a total of 574 Pokemon to view.
アニメ せんたくSelect AnimationChanges the current animation. Blank entries are skipped, meaning that non-plot-important Pokemon only have a handful of animations in this viewer.
ほうこう せんたくSelect DirectionChanges the direction that the Pokemon is facing. There are 8 orientations from 0-7.

Effect Test

The healing animation

A viewer for various effects. Each effect will also play its corresponding sound effect if there is one. Move effects, emotions, and various story-related animations are shown. The effects do not loop automatically, but you can use the A or START button to replay it. SELECT will not pause the animation in this viewer.

エフェクト せんたくSelect EffectChanges the current effect. There are 682 in total.

Move Test

Charmander using move 1

Allows you to view every Pokemon in the game, using any move in the game. Press A to use the selected move. Trying to play any move(s) in quick succession will queue them. Moves that cover the entire screen with an effect, like Rain Dance (move 12) will temporarily break the message box. Funnily enough, entering this viewer will show the in-dungeon debug HUD, meaning that this is running within a dungeon under the hood.

ポケモン せんたくSelect PokémonChanges the current Pokemon. Every forme is separated, and several dummy entries are included at the end. There are a total of 551 Pokemon to view.
ほうこう せんたくSelect DirectionChanges the direction that the Pokemon is facing. There are 8 orientations from 0-7.
わざ せんたくSelect Movechanges the move (or "waza")to be used. There are 543 moves in total, but move 543 crashes the game when you try using it.

Ground object Test

Displays various non-dungeon-related graphics. This includes story-related graphics and footprints. There is a blue crosshair over the graphic, likely used to indicate the center. This also shows the filename and its filesize. Strangely, this viewer has different controls: L, R, X, and Y do nothing, and you instead have to hold left or right on the D-Pad to change the number by 10 or press them quickly to change it by 1. Pressing SELECT also does nothing. START will toggle the crosshair.

ポケモン せんたくSelect PokémonDespite the name, this changes the current graphic. There are 307 in total.
アニメ せんたくSelect AnimationChanges the current animation, if applicable.

Ground Debug Play

Almost identical to the final version, but actually works worse. Because they're so similar, the info won't be duplicated; go here to read up about the room in general. There are some minor differences, however, which will be explained here:

  • Rather than using a blank save file, loading this provides you with the "default" file mentioned previously. If this room is loaded via the Main Menu, it still will not use your save file if there is one present, however loading it via the in-game debug menu will, which opens up much more functionality.
  • Instead of the water droplet in the third room, there is a rotating leaf. This is the only change in the entire room that isn't related to a crash or bug.

Team Controls

Instead of simply doing nothing, "Initialize Team" and "Team Returns from Map" crash with the following errors respectively (sic):

!!!!! Assert!!!!!file = 'common_dg.c' line = 414enter parameter disnable
!!!!! Assert!!!!!file = 'menu_ground_unit_return.c' line = 189unit return call disnable dg warehouse

Green Kecleon

The "Add Team Members" option is badly bugged here: If you choose not to recruit Uxie, the game will crash with the following error:

!!!!! Assert!!!!!file = 'ground_sub_picture.c' line = 122status locate error


Inside "VISUAL_TEST", V00P02_M01A02A will crash once it is finished, with this error:

!!!!! Assert!!!!!file = 'ground_place.c' line = 352place number error 20533

Interestingly, these crashes do not happen in the build157_final ROMs, nor the final Japanese release, indicating that enabling the debug features is somehow the cause.

Ground Script Check

Runs various scripts, or cutscenes, from the story. If a save file is present, it will be used, else it will load the default file. Once the cutscene is finished, you will regain control normally, however exiting the area usually leads to the debug dialogue that appears when you start a new game. If you enter a dungeon, it will crash with an error like this:

!!!!! Assert!!!!!file = 'menu_ground_unit_init.c' line = 139unit init duplication call

or return to the title screen. Interestingly, the textbox borders are green, instead of matching your hero's gender: this shows that your save file is not entirely loaded in, which is likely what causes the crashes and "new game" dialogue to appear.The "DEMO" options link to various parts of the intro. EVENT_M00A_01 initiates the "New Game" sequence. The "EVENT_HA_XXXXX" options lead to various cutscenes within the Guild. All of the "EVENT_MXX" and "EVENT_SXX" options lead to cutscenes of the "Main" (main story) or "Sub" (Post-game) story respectively, with the number corresponding to its chapter. There are several "EVENT_TGXX" entries at the end, which all crash the game with the same error when selected:

!!!!! Assert!!!!!file = 'script_station.c' line = 1119script get null

The "EVENT_MEND" options hang the game with no crash screen. "TITLE_TEST" brings up a dialog asking "Time? Darkness?", and selecting one will play the intro for the respective game. "BUBBLE_TEST" plays the cutscene where your hero and partner meet, crashing when they enter Beach Cave. "MAP_TEST" plays several cutscenes where the world map is cleared of clouds: it first starts at the very end of the Fogbound Lake expedition, then jumps to the initial Quicksand Cave cutscene (the one where they don't jump in), then the end of the Underground Lake cutscene, and crashes afterwards with the same error that shows when you select "Team Returns From Map" in the debug room. Interestingly, during these cutscenes, you are given an Onix and Nidoking as recruits, regardless of your save's recruits.

Ground Scene Check

This brings you to a separate menu with the internal names of the game's rooms: The T00P0X ones are the debug rooms (Test/Town), the ones that are prefixed with a D are "Dungeon"-related, G corresponds to "Guild" rooms, H seems to be Sharpedo's Bluff and its variants (House), Ps are various non-dungeon places, like the Crossroads and the Hot Spring (Place?), the Ss are "special", like Pelipper's Island or the intro, the T01P0X locations are "Treasure Town", and Vs are "various?" "visual?" cutscenes. Selecting a room will activate the cutscene(s) that take place in that room: some have none, which will make nothing happen when selected, and some have several, which will bring up a submenu with all of the cutscene names which you can choose from. Most of the cutscenes hang or crash the game when they're over, and others will hang the game immediately.

Ground Map Check

This hangs the game infinitely. Interesting, because this is fully functional in the final product. Another menu that works worse?

Save Data Edit

To do:
What are the Check options meant to do?

This menu allows you to set your save file to various predetermined states. It does not give you a warning beforehand.

しょきデータDefault dataDeletes your save file as if you deleted it through the regular menu. This means that most of the data is still there, but has been zero'd out (this can be confirmed using a save file editor like SkyEditor)
はじめからデータInitialized DataDeletes your save file as if you deleted it through the regular menu, but leaves your Adventure Log intact.
きゅうじょとつにゅう テストGo-Rescue CheckReplaces your save with the default save. Doesn't seem to do anything to any of the rescue flags.
きゅうじょまち テストWaiting-For-Rescue CheckDoesn't seem to do anything, but your save file is modified (different checksum)
ブレイクデータBreak dataDoes absolutely nothing, the save file isn't even modified.
しゅっかじょうたいデータInitial product dataoverwrites all of the important save data with 0xFF bytes.

Opening Cutscene

Resets the game, requiring the button combo to be inputted again.

Debug Switch

To do:
What do the unknown options do?

Note that "Debug" was set as ON

Has the same options as the final's menu, but they actually work this time!

メッセージこうそくかSpeed Up the Messagein-game text is much faster, appearing almost instantly.
スクリーンフェードカットNo Screen FadeThe screen does not go black during room/scene transitions, allowing you to see the assets for the new room/scene load in real-time.
サウンドむこうかSound OFFAll sounds, including sound effects and music, will no longer update. If music was playing before this option was enabled, it will continue playing indefinitely, even if the music should change or stop.
BGMしょうおんBGM offsimilar to the above, but only applies to background music.
SEしょうおんSE offSimilar to above, but only applies to sound effects.
ぶたいNPCダミーStage NPC dummyThe recruits in the Crossroads are changed to a Nidoking and Onix, who will have the names of your current recruits if they exist. This does not actually affect your team or Assembly; your original recruits will return when entering a dungeon. They do, however, appear during cutscenes, such as those that play when you reach the end of a dungeon. Disabling the option will remove them.
メッセージリミットチェックText limit checkThe names of anyone you talk to will be replaced with the words "リミットチェック"(Limit Check). This is intended to test the limits of textboxes to make sure they still fit when variables have long text.
チートチェックカットNo Cheat-ChekUnsure. Likely disables some unknown anti-cheating measure.
とつにゅうチェックカットNo Plunge-CheckUnsure.
ダンジョンむげんふっきDungeon Infinite ComebackUnsure, does not save you from wiping out in a dungeon.
デバッグモードDebugEnables all of the game's debug features, including the menus and exclusive text. This is enabled by default on the debug ROM, and if disabled, the debug features will no longer be accessible until the game is reset.
へんしゅうモードEdit ModeWhen entering a dungeon, the text "ダンジョンの けっかを そうさしますか?" (Contorl the result?) (sic) will appear. The first option, "ダンジョンに いく" (Go to a dungeon), simply enters the dungeon as normal. "しっぱいした ことにする" (Pretend as failed) and "にげかえった ことにする" (Pretend as escaped) will immediately end the dungeon as if you had starved. "せいこうした ことにする" (Pretend as succeeded) warps you to the end of the dungeon... And then fails you, as if you had starved. Your money and items are not touched, regardless of what you choose.

Also, if a new game is started, the Personality Test will have a large message box on the top screen, showing the number of points assigned to each personality type.

Debug Log

This option was likely used to push debug logs to an external debugging device. However, it unfortunately doesn't seem to do much anymore.

Sound Test

Works identically to the final game's version.

Message Test

Also works identically to the final, except the game properly loads your save file. As a result, this no longer crashes on real hardware.

Document Test

Also works identically to the final.

List Menu Test

Also also works identically to the final, including hanging when you select an option.

Multi Menu Test

Also also also works identically to the final.

Initial Sample

Guess what? It works the exact same as the final. Except when it resets, you have to input the startup combination again for it to return to the top menu.

Check No. of Letters

Works the exaaaaact same.

Review Text

Also works the exaaaaaaaact same.

Present below the main Debug option is an option called "イベントはいしん"(Event Upload). Selecting this menu brings you to a list of 12 Wonder Mail total, and selecting one will transmit it over Local Communication. From here, you can open any Japanese copy of Time/Darkness, select the "Wonder Mail" option, select "receive", and finally "local communication" in order to receive it on your game.

The available Wonder Mails are actually special event missions, most of which were either posted on the site through a password, or distributed over Nintendo WFC. Notably, the ones that were exclusively distributed over WFC are no longer able to be obtained, since they did not have a generated password, and WFC has since gone down. This means that this ROM is the only current way to obtain these missions in the present day! (unless you manage to find someone who still has the event mission present on their save file. good luck with that.)

Unfortunately, the local communication is unable to connect to the English releases of the games. However, it does still work on the Final Japanese Time/Darkness releases, and the passwords are region-free if a mission has it.

Below is a list of all of the available missions, listed in their in-game order.

Mission ObjectiveWonder Mail Code (if applicable)Notes
Find the Icy Flute that lies hidden deep within Mt. Avalanche!
4MP= K98# CT%YR@-- &P7% %K86
This is the mission for the Icy Flute, one of the 7 Treasures. In Time/Darkness, the 7 treasures were only available through Wonder Mail distributions, which were distributed on the official Pokemon website through passwords, as well as through WFC. These specific event missions are nothing new, as the passwords for them have been circulating online for years, but it's interesting to see them available through this ROM.
Find the Fiery Drum that lies hidden deep within Giant Volcano!
Another one of the 7 Treasures.
Find the Terra Cymbal that lies hidden deep beneath Shimmer Desert!
#&S6 NY2& YJN=1P57 F0MN MH7Y
Another one of the 7 Treasures.
Find the Aqua-Monica that lies hidden deep beneath Bottomless Sea!
FN01 HWN- 00%F8678 +XY@ &%#3
Another one of the 7 Treasures.
Find the Rock Horn that lies hidden in the depths of World Abyss!
Another one of the 7 Treasures.
Find the Grass Cornet that lies hidden deep within Mystery Jungle!
X%8S WYY+ S-JFPFH@ @##K 5W8K
Another one of the 7 Treasures.
Find the Sky Melodica that lies hidden in the inner reaches of Sky Stairway!
HW+8 66%T 5S51+J5Y 4-K# H@P-
Another one of the 7 Treasures.
Can someone bring back a Gabite Scale? Please, we're desperate for any help!
78SR -H2M P0+4Y6FY 1&Y+ #R9S
Another event mission primarily distributed over a password, this one was originally created to coincide with the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Time/Darkness anime special. Again, this password has been circulating for a while, but it's nice to see it here.
Help! Find Celebi! Reward offered!N/AThis was a distribution available exclusively through Nintendo WFC. As such, it does not have a generated Wonder Mail code. This event was advertised as the only way to unlock Celebi in a copy of Explorers of Darkness, since it is otherwise a Time-exclusive Pokemon. This event in particular is actually still the only way to obtain Celebi legitimately in Darkness, as trying to create a custom Wonder Mail Password for it will give you an error, since it's a Mythical Pokemon.
Search for Rotom! Reward offered!N/ALike above, this was a WFC-exclusive mission intended for owners of Explorers of Time who could not get the normally-Darkness-Exclusive Rotom. Unlike the above option, Rotom can still be unlocked in the games by generating a custom Wonder Mail Password, since it isn't a legendary or a mythical.
Search for Mewtwo! Reward offered!N/ASee the two above. Mewtwo is exclusive to Darkness, and was considered a counterpart of sorts to Celebi. It also cannot be obtained in Time legitimately, as a custom Password cannot be generated for it.
Find Lucario! Reward offered!N/ASee above. This was considered a counterpart of sorts to Rotom, as the Riolu line is exclusive to Time and is unavailable in Darkness. Weirdly, this mail actually unlocks Riolu, which you can then evolve into a Lucario. Like Rotom, Riolu/Lucario can still be unlocked by using a custom Password.

Within the "Friend Rescue" section of the menu, a new "debug" option has been added in yellow. It is quite small, but has a few useful features for testing the various types of Friend Rescue mails.

おたすけ から ふっかつResume from SOSopens the list of SOS mail, if you have any, and allows you to select one. if you don't have any mail, it does nothing. Selecting an SOS treats it as finished; it is deleted from your list of SOS, and is added to your list of possible A-OK mail to send.
おたすけ ついかAdd SOSThis adds the SOS that you made using the "Edit" option below, if you have made one, to the end of your list. If you haven't made a custom one yet, it will instead add a default one. This will add the same duplicate SOS as many times as you wish, but cannot exceed the max of about 33.
ふっかつ ついかAdd A-OKThis adds the same custom/default mail to your A-OK list instead.
おれい ついかAdd Thank-Youif you are currently not in need of rescue, or already have a Thank-You Mail available to send, this does nothing. If you are in need of rescue, this will add the option to send the Thank-You mail for your current rescue in the "Get Help" section.
へんしゅうEditThis edits the mail that is generated in the above few options. it has three things that you can edit:
ダンジョンDungeonAllows you to select from the first 128 dungeons in the list. This includes several unused dungeons, such as the Dummies and Test Dungeon.
フロアFloorallows you to select the floor of the dungeon where the rescue will take place. Similarly to the Wonder Mail creator in the Ground Debug Menu, this allows you to select the 0th floor, which means the rescue will be automatically treated as successful if you clear the dungeon.
ちょうせんかいすうNo. of challengeThis is the amount of tries you will have to complete the rescue. This defaults to 10 on all valid Rescue Mail, and will count down until it gets to 0, where the mail will no longer be selectable from Pelipper's Island. Here, you can set this number as low as 0 (which means you will not be able to go on the rescue at all) and 127, well above the normal amount of tries.

The "Wonder Mail" option in the top menu also has a debug option added to it. This allows you to manage the Wonder Mail in your Job List, without even loading the save file. Most of the options here are exactly the same as the Wonder Mail Editor in the Ground Debug Menu, and work identically. Strangely, while the "Debug" option itself is the standard Debug yellow, none of the options within the menu actually are.

いらいけいじばんBulletin BoardThis option is similar to the one in the Ground Debug Menu, except it automatically refreshes the current jobs whenever you exit the option and return to it, rather than having an option in the menu to manually refresh the board.
おたずねものポスターOutlaw Notice BoardSame as above, but for the Outlaw Notice Board.
いらいのかこうModify Missionworks exactly the same as "Job Editing" in the Ground Debug Menu. Interestingly, despite having the exact same name in Japanese, the option in this menu was translated differently than the one in the Ground Debug Menu, showing that they were probably done by different translators. Neat little touch.
DLしゅつりょくDL OutputSaves the game. Not sure what purpose this serves, the menu already auto-saves your changes.
しゅつげんモンスターAppearing Pokemonidentical to the option in the Ground Debug Menu, including me not knowing what it does.
Proto:Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness/paladin.7z Leaks/Debug ROMs/Top Debug Menus (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.